Are you getting problem with current host and want to move your WordPress site from one host to other.Transfer your site from one host to new one can be a problematic and stressful experience.
For getting rid of that problem some people trying a find a professional to do it or find a new host that offer the site migration services with hosting services.
But if you spend little time yourself you can easily migrate your site from one host to other with little hassle.It can be straight forward job if approach correctly.
Here is the steps to move your WordPress website from one host to other.
Fist step – Backup of files.
Making the backup of files is first step of website migration. For making backup of files. You can use FTP (filezilla, winscp) or direct login on control panel.
If you are using FTP. Then download files on your computer. If you want to download files using control panel. First compress the folder and then download. Compressing folder will reduce the file size and will save your lots of time.
Rest depend on media or content uploaded on your site. During the download process we can work on other step.
Second step – Backup Database.
Login to your control panel. Go to phpmyadmin. Then select the database which is working with site which you want to migrate.Select all the tables and export.
Once the files download and DB download. We can start work on other step.
Third Step – Setup Database on new host.
Login to your new host and go to mysql database wizard.Here you can create the database.Create a user and grant it All Privileges. Note down the database name, username and password.
Step Four – Upload files and edit the wp-config file.
Upload all the file under public_html folder or the other folder which you want to setup site on new host.
Open the wp-config file and edit the database detail.
change the DB name
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘db_name’);
change the DB user name
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘db_user’);
Change the DB password
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘db_pass’);
Now save the wp-config file and upload on new host.
Fifth Step – Importing the Database
Go to control panel. Click on phpmyadmin. It will open the new window. Click on the left side database in which you want to import.
Select the import tab from navigation menu. Click on file import button and choose the file from your localhost. It will import the database on new host.